Pump Off details page

Welcome to the Pump Off page.  This 2024 Pump Off competition at the NWA Natural Championships on June 1st at the Faulkner Performance Arts Center in Fayetteville.  It will be held as a fundraiser for BHS’s Body Improvement Club (to promote health and wellness through our good N.E.W.S. campaign to 100’s of students).  100% of the ONLINE entry fees will be donated to either of these two non-profits.  Entry is $40 for adults, $20 for K-12 students – all Pump Off competitors will receive entry into the NWANC.  If competitor registers through this platform by May 15th, a goody bag will also be waiting at check-in and at event itself.

Simple premise… do as many repetitions as possible in one set.  

Below contains the Percentage of weight lifted for the bench press.  Below are the % per age & gender along with the rules and details.


Bench Press rules:

Rep-bar must touch athlete’s chest and be fully extended or a no count will be given.  A small hand towel roll is optional, but will not be provided.  No bench press/squat suits allowed and NO REFUNDS. No switching of competitor number is permitted.

All lifts will be judged by personal trainers.  13 and under competitors: view proper technique of ‘release’ pushup and body squat online.  Team (gym, box, school, organization, etc.) categories are available on registration page.  $10 rebate if 5 or more are on a team. 

Pictures of first place winners of REPETITIONS of men’s and women’s category will be posted online.  Picture of overall tonnage weight for men’s and women’s category will also be posted online.  Custom awards will be given to first place of Male and Female divisions for both reps and tonnage.   Top Dog Gym Teams (5 or more competitors) will be given to highest average of REPETITIONS for the bench press.

For referrals, please be sure you include name or gym in the ‘personal note’ of the entry form.

The 2023 results are as follows:

Name age gender weight x reps = total weight
Abel Horne 5 M   54 0
Quinn Horne 7 F   110 0
Dexter yount 8 M   114 0
Tucker Yount (kids winner) 11 M   115 0
Millie Rambo 12 F   21 0
J.T. Nelson 16 M 205 10 2050
D.J. Ryan 17 M 115 16 1840
Adin Rodriguez 18 M 160 16 2560
Brandon Merida 18 M 170 14 2380
Gabe Ruiz 18 M 120 18 2160
Jelisa Stucker 26 F 133 26 3458
Ross Jackson (overall winner) 34 M 195 30 5850
Rodney Rambo 37 M 215 19 4085
Randy Smith 58 M 150 20 3000


Pump Off entry form

  • 100% of this entry fee will be given to one of the beneficiaries listed here. This includes free entry to the NWANC. Goody bag only given if registered through this platform by July 8th
  • Only enter a name if you were referred by a coach, trainer, or Body Improvement Club member
  • June 3rd location is at J Street gym from 6pm-8pm. June 4th location is at the Metroplex Event Center starting at 11:00am.
  • All will be individual, but if competing as a team, $10 discount given if 5 or more are on team. Discount will be given to team leader.
    In consideration of the acceptance of the entry, I waive for myself and my heirs and all claims for damages against Joe Wilson Productions (NWA Natural Championships), any of the beneficiaries of this event, the MetroPlex Event Center LLC, the NANBF, sponsors of the Pump Off and their representatives, any Arkansas television or radio station, and officials and volunteers for injuries received during and as a result of this event. If I should suffer injury or illness, I authorize officials at the race to use their discretion to have me treated and be transported to a medical facility and I take full responsibility for this action. I certify that I am physically fit and sufficiently prepared myself for this event. Signature required for entry to be accepted. Parent’s signature is required if entrant is under 18 years old. MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby grant my permission to Joe Wilson Productions, NWA Fitness and Health Association, the Facebook/Instagram page of the NWA Natural Championships, and any affiliates of the NWA Natural Championships for the free use of my name, photograph and video, in any media, print, broadcast, telecast, internet, web, or video account from the NWANC event.
  • $0.00