Our SuperFit Campaign is our primary program for kids, but can be for adults also. We want to bring this campaign to after school programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Camp War Eagle, and any other program where kids want to achieve a physical fitness goal, better mental performance, and to be more confident in their faith and purpose to matter. Our goal is to have everyone represent their chosen program or school in a Pump n Run race (view applicable races on the Upcoming Events pages), but we want all individuals to have a goal for any competition throughout NWA.
We want you to grow in your healthy lifestyle by following the good N.E.W.S. and growing in your faith along with helping others in incredible ways you wouldn’t realize. Register here so we have you on file within the SuperFit campaign and give the info to the SuperFit Coach in your area.
As of 2017, Arkansas is ranked #8 in adult obesity (35%), #1 most obese for high school students (21.7%), and #20 in adolescent obesity (15.6% for 10-17 year olds). View the alarming statistics of Arkansas obesity rates among other states here. Let’s do something about it!
Get Started with the SuperFit Campaign! Here are the steps:
1. Register as a SuperFitter.
Sign up and Register as a Superfitter!!!2. Follow the good N.E.W.S.: Print off the Superfit Workouts and the Superfit N.E.W.S. Journal for the month below. Record your numbers on your journal and Enter them in the online app below. Submit them before the end of the day each Saturday evening. They will be sent on Sunday to your SuperFit Coach (or school or organizational facilitator). Our newest fundraiser is to create a SuperFit smartphone mobile App so you will be able to enter your data that way and follow your candidates immediately.
Get your exercises and journals here Enter your good N.E.W.S. through our online databaseHow to earn points for SuperFit Campaign
3. Ask for supporters to encourage you and hold you accountable. Download the pledge form below.
If you want to raise money for your chosen non-profit, download the form and ask for sponsors! (Optional: get your entry registration fee back too – view pledge form —->) Superfit pledge form .
Support a SuperFitter!We have partnered with FitDeck to provide simple body weight exercises for all ages
Go to FitDeck.com now!Get your exercises and journals here
We want everyone to be aware of the options here in Arkansas and to research the right information from the established organizations that have already started the same type of campaign. The Arkansas Coalition of Obestity has great credible info we support. If not, a simple way to learn about proper nutrition is to visit ChooseMyPlate.gov
Here’s our SuperFit partners and sponsors. Please thank them for their contribution and help us lower the obesity rank in Arkansas!!!